This one is for Bethany. :)
1. My baby frustrates me. He doesn't mean to but he does. When he gets up every two hours ALL NIGHT LONG I don't find it cute, I find it annoying. It was OK when he was a newborn but I am over it. (That being said, I still show up for every cry and usually feed him... he is pretty cute...)
2. I spend most of my mornings alternating between napping and feeding Henry in bed. That way there I get some much needed sleep. Most days we don't go out of bed until 11.
3. I am tired. ALL. THE. TIME. Even when he sleeps and we nap together, I am tired.
4. I still do not fit into ANY of my pre-pregnancy jeans and very few of my pre-pregnancy tops.
5. My baby rarely wears outfits. I am lazy so he lives in sleep suits.
6. I will use eco friendly disposable nappies rather than do a cloth nappy wash sometimes.
7. I will put Henry in his pram instead of wearing him solely depending on whether or not my outfit is conducive to babywearing.
8. I would rather my husband give Henry pumped milk in the middle of the night just so I don't have to get out bed. I am awake, I am just that lazy.
9. I NEED time to myself. I need to go out with other adults sometimes. I did it for the first time tonight and it was amazing. I felt so good to not have a huge diaper bag or a 20 pound car seat to lug around.
10. I also NEED help. I need someone to help with the cleaning and the cooking and the laundry. I am not supermum and I don't mind admitting it!
To quote Bethany: "I just wish more moms opened up and talked about the mistakes we make and the mishaps that have happened to us. I wish we'd quit feeling mommy guilt and take a real, honest look at how we're all (mostly) just trying to do our best." I couldn't have said it better!!
Thank you for posting this!! I am so lazy I leave Isaiah naked so much it isn't even funny. He's naked right now.