Sunday, 6 February 2011

Information overload Part II.

Ok- the other one was getting wordy but this is actually the original topic I wanted to write about so thought it would be better to give it its own post. 

It all boils down to the fact that there is so much information available to us. I am a member of a website called babycenter. It's basically a big chat room type site with different groups to suit your needs. I started looking around on there and found all of these "crunchy" and hippy mama groups. This was so up my ally and I started to go nuts researching all of the different ways I can make my life more natural. I also found myself joining all of these natural parenting pages on facebook. These pages give you links to visit or links for other blogs that give you even more links to visit and so on. It's endless. The information is literally endless and I am overwhelmed. 

Just for fun I will tell you about my internet searches for the day. They are in no order, just what I can remember. (Don't forget refreshing babycenter and facebook all day...)
* I am recovering from the stomach flu so I was searching ways to naturally cure diarrhea. (fun times).

* I bought some Dr. Bronner's soap so was researching just how to use it, which then led me to looking for Dr. Bronner's hair conditioner.

* I was on looking for coconut oil which then led me to look up how to use the coconut oil again.

* I was looking up how to make a natural bathroom cleaner which led me to look up natural laundry detergent and information about soap nuts.

* I was looking up how to go "poo free" which then led me to look up natural cosmetics and then information about how to make my hard water soft.

* I was looking up organic babyfood and what Henry should be eating which then led me to a thyorid diet which then led me to want to eat only locally grown vegetables and things in season... 

The problem is that I will go onto babycenter or something similar and realise that I am no where near natural enough and then overload myself with information on how to make myself more natural. The other issue with babycenter or the leakyboob or those sites is that I want to help my fellow mamas so I am on there trying my best! Plus my real life friends need me too!

Then there is the issue of my facebook pages. I love them- don't get me wrong, but they are constantly giving me new things to think about and articles to read. So then I research about circumcision or vaccinations or something esle. It's endless people and it's overhwelming. Part of me longs for the days of reading a book at my Mom's house while she shake and baked some pork chops and then cleaned up with fantastic spray. I, of course, want to live better BUT it sure is information overload out there.

Then there is the problem of the fact that my husband and I are sitting here side by side with him on his stupid iPad and me on my laptop with the telly going in the background. What kind of example are we setting for Henry? I think I am going to have to impose some sort of information and technology de-tox. 

I want to do so many life and diet de-toxes that I just don't even know where to begin... ahhhhhhhhhhhh.


  1. I'm with you there! This year I've fallen into trying one new natural thing a week and it's been interesting, fun, awesome, exciting- etc. It's Sunday though and now I have to choose which fun thing I get to try this week!

  2. Best crunchy mom forum:
    (See, aren't I so "helpful")

    Coconut oil is the most amazing substance on earth.

    I research everything to death. Luckily my computer is in my bedroom so I can't sit in here as often as I would if it was in my main living space. However, I'm waiting to get my hands on the iPad 2, and then all bets are off. I'm justifying it as a necessary school expense, but we all know I'll be checking FB 20x a day. ;)

  3. I got the coconut oil!!! Please share what you use it for. So far I have used it as a lotion and I put some in my oatmeal and smoothie. I haven't cooked with it yet. Does it make everything tase really coconutty when you do?! :)
