Somedays I really just want to shut down my iPhone or my laptop. It is amazing how dependent I have become on having the internet at my fingertips. As recently as 2005 I was still checking my e-mail at school because I was too poor to afford the internet at home.
I used to happily log on to MySpace and then facebook to see what my friends were up to, then check my email and occasionally check the weather. That was it. I moved on from there to paying all of my bills online and getting my bank statements e-mailed to me. From there I started buying and selling things on and using google instead of an encyclopedia. Even this amount of use was acceptable. I had a PC at the time so I had to be home and sitting at my desk. I worked full time and was still a student so I didn't have a lot of free time.
Then I moved away from home and the facebook addiction started. I was on there constantly as I didn't have very many friends here in the UK and desparately missed my life back home. I also had a laptop for the first time in my life and was able to be online and in my bed! Then I learned about multiple tabs and would seach the internet for lesson plans, news at home, anything else besides doing actual work- all while being on facebook. This was pretty bad but the pinnacle of my internet addiction was when I got my BELOVED iPhone.
Oh iPhone, how you have changed my life. I no longer need to turn the telly on or a read a book when I can't sleep and wake up my husband. I no longer need two hands to search the internet while nursing my baby. (It really did save my life while nursing though...) I am on my phone all. the. time. I can use it everywhere. I no longer need to wonder about anything because together my iPhone and google can answer all of life's great questions.
The problem is that I am a curious person by nature. I like to research EVERYTHING. It got really bad when I found out I was pregnant. I would sit there for hours researching every pregnancy symptom known to man. Then I needed to look up things to buy for the baby. Then I needed to research all about cloth nappies. Then I joined babycenter and was on there talking to other moms-to-be about our daily problems. It's only gotten progressively worse since I had the baby. I wonder where I find the time to even go online. I am up way after he goes to sleep just sitting here seeing if people are going to tell me about their dinner or work that day. It's becoming a serious problem... I honestly think I am addicted to the internet. I can't imagine a day without it. This is a serious problem and one that I am hoping clears up when the weather becomes better and I can go outside. If not- I might need to fast!
In regards to Part 1- this is the reason I miss my Droid that I lost while in Seattle. I could read articles all day and all night long and I didn't look like a freaking computer addict. I am an information junkie as well.